
  • 7
  • 5.5 K

Bass 0%


BASSINVADERS is an event with the following device: nice music for nice people. Since 2010 this party keeps bouncing good vibes in different venues and off-location-places. The musical style of this event you can define as “future related electronic sound”.

BASSINVADERS is the “home match” of the artists and there is a big list of some sights for sore eyes on this event. We featured artists like Swede:art, Sam Irl, Mono.Mental, Egopollutah, Disturbia, Lexitch, Soundbwoy2step, Manekin Peace, COEO, Morz des Soundsystem, Fattony, R.Kenton, SRGJ, Vluxional, Marda & Wasp, Brimborium, Ice and many more.

“Official BASSINVADERS” were for example at X-roots-Festival, Satta Music Festival, Danubia Sound, Club Bogaloo, Glockenbachwerkstatt Munich, Alte Mälzerei Regensburg, Plutonium Club, Liquid Passau or Bergkeller Deggendorf.

feel free, to visit our invasion!


